Lifetime Free Access To Playful Inner Child Micro-Journeys
Transform negative self-talk, stress and anxiety into positive emotions and inner peace in as little as 15-minutes a day with playful micro-journeys embedded in the science of happiness and ancient wisdom.
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Transformation You Can Count On
Karuna's micro-journeys adhere to the highest quality standards in the science of happiness and ancient wisdom to create transformation you can count on.
At Karuna, we carefully curate all of our micro-journeys.
We ask the questions:
Our Scientific Advisory Board members are some of the world's leading researchers in the science of wellbeing. We look to their groundbreaking work to inform and inspire our program methodologies and quality assurance standards.
At Karuna, we carefully curate all of our micro-journeys.
We ask the questions:
- Is it measurable so you can witness the results?
- Is it easy and habit-forming?
- Is it built on an existing body of scientific work?
Our Scientific Advisory Board members are some of the world's leading researchers in the science of wellbeing. We look to their groundbreaking work to inform and inspire our program methodologies and quality assurance standards.
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ACCESS Framework
For all our micro-journeys we use our proprietary, playful and habit forming ACCESS™ framework guided by acclaimed experts from across the world
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Why access™ framework
The Simple Logic Of
The ACCESS™ Framework
All our transformational journeys begin with self-awareness of our belief systems, values, triggers, and childhood experiences. With self-compassion, we can begin to understand that what happened to us what not our fault so we may forgive ourselves and those who may have harmed us. This allows us to form a healthier and positive connection with ourselves and with others. Respectful boundaries and healthy relationships enable our engagement with life in a state of flow when we lose the sense of time and ego. The natural result of this egoless state is an understanding of our unique spirituality - that there is something much larger than our personal being. When we follow the first five steps of ACCESS, we begin to build the resilience muscle so we may rise from adverse situations more quickly, thus becoming more sustainable.